Blending Images!
After I’ve had fun making a mess, doing my creative bit … I like nothing better than scanning my work into the computer to see how I can change it by blending it with other images. Here are my two latest creations!

Fragmented Light
This is a combination of the distorted video image blended with the spritzed distress ink scan.

It's a String Thing!
This is a combination of the distorted video image blended with the painted string scan. I just love how the blending process creates so many beautiful new colours!
Creative on Skype!
My brother and I signed up for a free Skype account each last week. (Free video/telephone link over the internet with other Skype users) It’s really great … but sometimes the video link can be a bit … well just odd! Here’s a screen shot of a video image when it was playing games:

Artistic Video Image!
I’m busy getting ready for tomorrow night’s craft class at the moment – a messy one – using paint to create interesting textures on tags to attach to the heart books we started making last class. Hopefully we’ll get the books finished as well. This is what mine looks like so far 🙂

Just for You Book
What else have I been up to? … playing with distressing ink and spritzer bottles …

Spritzed Distress Ink
… as well as string, glue and paint …

Painted String
… altogether a wonderfully messy time!
Just thought I’d try adding some images ….
I just thought I’d try adding some images …
I love recycling things … this is my version of a baked bean tin inspired by a combination of two articles in the SSP Guild online magazine.

Pen Pot (made from baked bean tin!)
It was made using a combination of acetate, alcohol inks, tissue paper glitter and lots of glue … very messy!! … but great fun! The inside is lined with felt … just to protect any rough edges and to make it look finished.
Oh … and this is the business card I was messing about with yesterday!

Business Card Image
Black Fingers!
I’ve got lovely black fingers tonight! … ‘cos I’ve been busy making adjustments to my business cards. This involved printing labels to stick on the back of my cards … but as my cards have a printed black background I thought the labels should have the same so that they didn’t stand out like sore thumbs. To counter the poor register of my printer I covered the entire sheet with the background colour which was fine for the labels … but the spaces between the labels was shiny paper which repelled the ink … hence the black fingers!! I’ll just have to do extra washing up till they’re clean again!
Hello world!
Hello out there! I’ve just managed to upload a new header and will be playing with all the other settings in the very near future.
I will be using this blog to showcase my artistic ramblings and general messiness as soon as I have figured out how all the buttons work 🙂
I look forward to hearing from you!