Take one Vintage Book …
Take one vintage book, a sharp knife, some sharp scissors, a photo of your choice, a word to sum it up and a few embellishments, add some lumiere paint and a huge dose of inspiration from Kelly Rae Roberts in her book Taking Flight … and this is what I got 🙂

Vintage Book Photo Frame - Contrast
It took a lot of courage for me to cut the book up like this … I was brought up to respect and almost revere books by my schoolteacher father … so damaging a book in any way goes right against the grain for me … but I’m really glad I took the plunge! Dad might be turning in his grave, but I’m really pleased with the new life I have given to this old book!
Inspired by Meringues!
At a recent business seminar we were given small gift boxes containing tiny meringues from Head in the clouds. The meringues were delicious … but I have to admit … it was the boxes that appealed to me the most!! I had to find out how they were made and have a go at reconstructing them. This is the result 🙂

Boxes - Inspired by meringues!
I’ve been so busy working lately that I haven’t had much time to get messy so it was a real treat to play with these boxes!
Take one wooden picture …
Take one wooden picture, some magazine illustrations, a celtic knot frame (yes it is the same one you’ve seen before!), a mixture of alcohol inks, some lumiere paint, a few grains of perfect pearls powder, an enormous quantity of mod podge, and a graphite pencil – mix well making sure to get your hands covered in all of the above ….

Artimessy Hand!
… get a massive dose of inspiration from one of your favourite artists [I just started reading Taking Flight by Kelly Rae Roberts … and this is what I got!

Thy Kingdom Come
I’ve been meaning to try my hand a some mixed media collage work for ages. I’m quite pleased with the result of my first attempt. I hope you like it!